Monday, August 13, 2007

Its been a long long time

I've been so busy working on the family reunion that I haven't had time to do much else. It seems I've been chosen (my sister said I HAD to lol)to do the website for next years reunion and it has to at least be basic so I can show everyone on the committee when I get to the reunion in a couple of weeks. Ohhhhh Ya first we have to find a committee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've never had a reunion committee before so first we have to convince people we need one rather than one or two people doing it all.
Oh well the food should be GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm learning just a little about HTML its really confusing but I'm trying.
I will try to do better with my blog in the future.
Since I'm at work I better stop now before the boss sees me. LMAO

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been working 3rd shift this week so I've been sleeping lol or at least sleepy most of every day. I've only been getting about 4 hrs sleep a day so I tried sleeping pills yesterday. I still only slept for about 5 hours and woke up with a terrific headache. But today I got 7 hrs sleep without the pill and only felt like I had been run over by a semi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank God I only have one more night to go then back to 1st. and I'll have 3 days and nights to get back on my sleep schedule.
I had a great time with my daughter last weekend she took me to a place named Wagstaffs, its a really great steak house. They bring over these hughmongouse slabs of beef and you pick out what cut you want and how big and thick you want it. It was really awesome.
It was raining so I didn't have to go boating. lol
Well time to go to work for the night. Talk to you later. Bye for now.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't realize it had been so long. I'm back on my day shift now it was really hard to get used to getting up at 5 am when I got used to going to bed at 4 am. lol
Now my boss has told me he might need me to work third shift next week. That means going in at 11:30pm and working til 7:30 am. My sleep pattern is gunna be a real mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh well I don't mind as long as I get to stay in the QA Department. I really don't like being an operator on the lines. Its not really that bad for some people but I find it very boring and extremely stifling.
Theres not much going on here at the moment. My grandsons are going to Florida to spend the next 2 weeks with there other grandparents, but they won't be here to pick them up until Saturday morning and they will be leaving Monday morning.
I finally have the weekend off so thats a good thing. My daughter told me shes made reservations for dinner Friday night and wants me to go out on the boat with them Saturday.
I'm thinking heyyyyyyyyy a free meal thats cool........... but I'm not real excited about going out on the boat. I'm not much of a boat person anymore. Its way to hot to be out in the sun all day and theres no friggin bathroom. lol
My ex-husband and I had a cabin cruiser years ago. I got seasick going out on Lake Huron and that damn boat caused more fights and arguements than anyone would ever believe. Oh ya I don't think I mentioned that I have been married 3 times......... well actually 4 times cause I married one husband twice, we were married almost 25 yrs.
OK thats enough for now. I'll tell some more of the gory detail of my life some other day. I'm sure its going to be very very interesting. lol

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Vacation Update

I just wanted to update my trip with the boys for you. I'm compiling a list of places for them to check over. Most of the places I'v suggested they have both told me "Thats nice and it should be interesting" but when I got to Kentucky Down Under they asked what that was.

I told them it was like a zoo but for animals from Australia and you can feed them and get in the enclosures with them. MAN !!!! did there eyes light up. They got really excited and said YES! YES ! THATS WHERE WE WANT TO GO.

So I guess thats one stop on our list.

They look at pictures from my trip to Australia a few years ago and are amazed. They love to ask me questions and want me to tell them stories about my trip. Even the 10 yr old is excited about our trip now!!!!!

I think this is really good for them. I want to get them interested in traveling. I can't afford to take them many places but I would love to give them a taste of whats out there instead of them just living on computer games and T.V.

If I had my wishes I would show them the world.

I love to travel and it would be great if we could share that love.

I am posting a couple of pictures from my trip for you to get the idea.
I'll let you know what exciting things we come up with next.
Bye for now.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Vacation plans

My vacation plans.
The end of August I will be going to Ky. to my family reunion, and taking my 10 and 13 yr old grandsons with me..................... I've never taking them on a trip this long by myself before so it should be quite and experience.
We still have almost 2 months to plan so it should be interesting. lol
So far the plan is I drive for 12 hours and they watch DVD's in the back seat!!!!!!!!!!
We will be stopping for the night at a motel (cause i sure dont want to drive 12 hours in one day)
They of course want a pool and i of course want internet. We arent sure where this will be but im thinking somewhere around Mammoth Caves. I think they will enjoy them and if we get up early the 2nd day we should have plenty of time to take a short tour, We are supposed to meet my sister at Pennyrile State Park and stay in a cabin that week. By Thursday my mom my nieces and there familys should be there. The official Picnic and reunion will be that Sunday but there are lots of activities planned all week and weekend, even a golf tournament!
I will let you know how the plan progress!

( Is anyone really reading this?) lol

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Good Morning
I haven't posted in a few days cause I'm working on a different shift and I'm trying to get used to the new sleep pattern. I know going to work at 3:30 and working til 11:30pm shouldn't be that much of a problem but I've worked early early for 20 years so I automatically try to fall asleep about 9 or 10. lol
I have been temporarily transfered to the QA department where I work covering for a lady that is out sick. I should be working this department for a few weeks because I cover for vacations as well.
Its really such a hassle .................... much better pay and I have to drive a golf cart instead of walking. OHHHHHHHHH the inhumanity of it all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO
I really like this department its very small and everyone is easy to get a long with. The boss is outstanding and very understanding, and they eat constantly. Someone brings in cake or something yummy almost everyday, and they have a potluck almost every week.Now what more could you ask for? Oh ya I have a desk and a computer with internet access.
I would love to be in this department permanently but I can't get anyone to quit. Gee I wonder why?? ROFLMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I'm at work I try to vary my activities as much as possible because working on the lines are soooooooooo boring. I do lots of safety work, I'm on two safety teams. One for Ergonamics and one that writes safety job discriptions, its called JSA. I also do most any special project that i can for my supervisor. Last year I did a project that controled and tracked our Non-consummable material........... thats a fancy term for the tape and stuff we use that we don't keep track of. lol
I have also done power point training presentations and announcements in our weekly production meetings. lol Like i said most anything that will get me off those damn lines. lol
I was thinking about this just the other day and realized I've always been like this at every job I've ever had. When I worked in dietary in the hospital in Ky. I started by serving meals to the patients and 8 years later i was also working on the cafeteria serving line and doing clerical work and cashiering. I was responsible for the Doctors cafeteria, doing special functions like luncheons and meetings and being the lead for the production lines that plate the patients food. I was still filling in as Hostess serving patient meals occasionally as well.
I don't know why I'm like this but I always have been. It started way back in High school. When I was a freshman I thought study hall was boring so I asked to work in the cafeteria that hour. lol By the time i was a senior I was in charge of the teachers cafeteria and did a little bit of everything that was connected to the cafeteria in anyway, of course it was a small school compared to most city school. It only had between 300 and 400 students so there wasn't a lot to it but it did take up about 3 of my hours a day.
Maybe I just get bored easily ....... or as my sister always said I like to boss people around!!!!
I have found that a lot of people hold themselves back because they just won't speak up and I have never been afraid of that. I really communicate well and thanks to a class they made us take when i worked at the hospital I'm a certified NICE PERSON!!!!!!!!!!! Now how many people can say that? But it has made it easy for me to get along well with people that are in supervisory postions.
I see this is getting pretty long so i better shut up for a while, but I'm sure I will be back soon.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Hi I'm back

lmao!! See I told you I would be back!!! lmao
I worked on a robotic line today. Its a line I like so my day went pretty well. Except for my poor poor feet. I know you all want to hear about them!!!
Theres not much going on here today its pretty quiet right now the grandkids have gone swimming with there dad so hopefully I will get to watch my next to favorite show in peace.
Oh ya that would be Pirate Master. I've watched Survivor since the first day and now I'm very happy they have something to take its place when its off.
My favorite shows are Survivor, Pirate Master, Stargate SG1, I do like The Roloff's but i dont always watch that one. I like anything on any kind of travel. I like the Discovery Channel and I watch a little on HGTV and TLC. Since i have to get up at 5 am every morning i usually don't watch anything that comes on after 9:30. If i can stay awake that long. lol
I know you must be thinking this is the most boring blog you have ever read. I just want anyone reading this to know a little about me before I write about my life.
Til next time take care.